About us
Safari Tours & Travel is owned and operated by Ninny Ruata Barnes. In 2002 Jeremy H. Barnes, former GM of Tasik Ria Resort and Kungkungan Bay Resort, joined Safari Tours & Travel in the capacity of advisor to the owner. Mr Barnes was the founding Chairman of the North Sulawesi PATA Chapter, later renamed North Sulawesi Tourism Organization. Their combined fifty years of experience in the hospitality and service industry guarantee a successful team working for you in Manado.

Our Team

Ninny Ruata
Managing Director

Jeremy Howard Barnes
Advisor To The Owner / Consultant

Nadya Barnes Ruata
Office Manager
Reservations Department
Lusia Wuryani
Team Leader Reservations
Fenny Pantouw
Reservation Specialist
Kevin Agustino Wantah
Reservation Specialist
Accounting & IT
Tesalonika Kotambunan
Ebeldon Salu
IT Specialist
Tour Guide Division
Feredy Kudaling
Senior Tour Guide
David Solangs
Tour Guide
Hendro Gosal